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Hi there! My name is Nancy, I am the owner /designer /seamstress of SixOn Clothing.

I had my start in making cosplay costumes and designing gothy/punky clothes. I love being creative and the details that make up a garment or cosplay costume. My style in designing is based on subtlety; the small amount of details and features to create an eye-catching, statement-making outfit. I got the idea to combine the two: to create garments with cosplay details yet without going over the top.

After a while I had an idea for new gamer merchandise, stuff that I haven't seen anyone else carry, stuff I myself would want to have and use. I'm super excited to come up with new products for everyone to share in my geeky fandom. XD

I have a certificate in custom clothing and a degree in entrepreneurship. I’m a nerd at heart, growing up with my love for video games, anime, and sci-fi/fantasy, with my thick glasses and geekiness. =D

Thanks to everyone for their support!! \^_^/